UNECE Task Force Ukraine

How to find the easy wins

13. Februar 2019

Chair of UNECE Task Force, Stefan M. Buettner, speaks about energy efficiency to entrepreneurs in the Ukrainian Dnipro
[Bild: Alexander Markus]

Many companies, notably SMEs find it “difficult in different ways to make the decision to invest significantly into energy efficiency measures” states the Chair of UNECE Task Force, Stefan M. Buettner, “however there are sizeable opportunities to raise energy productivity with little investment”. Optimizing settings of controls to the current use of the production being one of them. This however requires “knowing what is going on, which is why keeping track of energy use in different parts of the factory is essential” Buettner lines out to around 90 entrepreneurs in the Ukrainian Dnipro – known for its heavy industry.

Particularly if resources are scarce, measurement & verification, in lieu with tracking steps of energy consumption backwards – this is from end use to source – helps accessing productivity potentials at budget and manage loads better. Further to this, integrating a growing share of renewables, flexibilising the grid, whilst phasing out coal and retiring nuclear power plants, along with a vast array of technical issues have been at the center of a lively discussion with lots of points to follow-up on with stakeholders in Ukraine and Eastern UNECE countries in general.

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