
Practical research at EEP pursues the goal of increasing energy efficiency in production and reducing energy consumption. The findings of this research directly influence our extensive range of consulting services.

Research focuses

Supplying processes with thermal energy with decreasing or no use of fossil energy sources.

  • Reducing thermal losses through alternative conversion technology or innovative thermal utilization paths
  • Climate-neutral energy supply system through the use of thermal storage and electrification of processes
  • Safeguarding the thermal supply through hybrid plants operated with different energy sources

Your contact: Ekrem Köse

Building an efficient, secure and robust electrical supply powered by renewable sources.

  • Securing energy supply in the long term through strategic planning of investments in regenerative technologies
  • Realizing energy supply systems with regenerative generators and electricity storage through appropriate planning and design processes
  • Efficient and stable energy supply with direct current grids through the development of local grid regulation

Your contact: Darian Schaab

Building demand side management to control electrical consumption based on current energy costs.

  • Selecting flexibility measures through a systematic evaluation of plants and processes

Using artificial intelligence to reduce losses and control a complex power system.

  • Optimize future operating strategies by forecasting load and generation patterns
  • Identify losses through anomalies in measured data

Your contact: Dennis Bauer

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