Address of the Institute
Postal address
Institut für Energieeffizienz in der Produktion EEP
Universität Stuttgart
Nobelstr. 12
70569 Stuttgart
Visitor address
Institut für Energieeffizienz in der Produktion EEP
Universität Stuttgart
Allmandring 35
70569 Stuttgart
By car
By car via A8 or A81. At the Stuttgart freeway junction (exit Stuttgart-Zentrum/S-Vaihingen) take the A831/B14 to the Universität exit. Turn left onto Universitätsstraße. This leads into Nobelstraße (parking available in the Fraunhofer parking garage). Turn right again onto Allmandring, which leads directly to the IFF building (parking available on the street).
By train
S1, S2 or S3 from Stuttgart main train station and S2 or S3 from the airport to the stop Universität, exit Wohngebiet Schranne-Endelbang und Nobelstraße.
It is about a ten-minute walk from the S-Bahn stop to the IFF building. Alternatively, almost any bus can be taken from there to quickly get to the Nobelstraße stop.
By plane
From Stuttgart Airport take S-Bahn S2, S3 in the direction of Stuttgart to the stop Universität, exit Wohngebiet Schranne-Endelbang und Nobelstraße.
It is about a ten-minute walk from the S-Bahn stop to the IFF building. Alternatively, almost any bus can be taken from there to quickly reach the Nobelstraße stop. (Distance from airport: approx. 16 km)
Tom Tenzer